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What to Look for When Visiting Older Adults During the Holidays

For many families, the holidays are the only time they spend face-to-face. While phone calls and emails are a great way to connect, it can be hard to notice changes in a person’s appearance or home that could indicate they need help.

If you visit older parents, grandparents or other relatives this holiday season, pay attention to:

  • The condition of their home – Is it more messy and cluttered than usual? Is there spoiled food in the refrigerator or cupboards? Are bills not being paid on time? Are household goods being put away in the wrong places?   
  • The condition of the person – Do they have unexplained weight loss? Are they wearing clothes that are dirty or inappropriate for the weather? Are they having trouble with toileting and basic hygiene such as showering and brushing their teeth? Have they fallen recently or appear to have trouble with their balance? Are they having difficulty sleeping?
  • Their behaviors – Are they missing doctor appointments, religious services or other activities they’d usually attend? Are they forgetting to refill prescriptions or take medications as prescribed? Do they seem confused when you talk to them about topics they’d normally understand? Are they exhibiting any personality changes or mood swings?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it could be a sign they need extra help.

At ComForCare Home Care, we understand the challenges that may arise with aging. Home care can help older adults live independently in their own home and continue to do all the things they love. Contact us today to learn more about how we help people live their best life possible. 

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