5 Great Ways to Get New Clients for a Home Care Business

In the dynamic landscape of the home care industry, staying ahead requires a blend of innovation and proven methods. Not only do you have to provide compassionate, high-quality in-home care services—you also have to make sure people know that you do. From leveraging digital platforms to fostering community relationships, growing your client base truly depends on making lasting connections.
When you’re starting a home care business, attracting and retaining clients is a major component of your success. So, what can you do to start out strong? We’re here to cover some basic yet highly effective tips that will empower you to navigate the challenges of client acquisition with confidence.
Your Guide to Generating More Home Care Clients
Create a Strong Brand to Stand Out from the Competition
By some estimates, there are over 400,000 home care businesses in the US. With so many choices, consumers are most likely to choose an agency with strong branding. Most importantly, they’ll go with a business with a reputation for compassionate care that they know they can trust.
When you work with a well-known and well-praised franchise system like ComForCare, the difficult work of establishing a brand identity is done for you. That way, you can hit the ground running on your other marketing, networking, and relationship-building efforts.
Referral Sources, Relationship Building, & Networking
In the home care business world, it’s all about people. To succeed in this industry, you need to be a strong relationship-builder who is comfortable creating and maintaining meaningful connections with a variety of people, from clients to local professionals.
- Existing & former private home care clients: Word-of-mouth is crucial, and happy clients are a great source of referral business. Consider setting up referral forms online or offering incentives.
- Healthcare professionals: Set time aside to nurture relationships with professionals whose own patients may need your care services, such as social workers, nursing staff, and care consultants.
- Hospital discharge planners: You might make regular outreach visits to local hospitals to make discharge planners aware of what you can do for them and their patients. Make sure they know how you can make their job easier while helping seniors optimize their recovery and ongoing health needs.
Embrace a Mix of Traditional & Digital Marketing Strategies
When people are searching for care for a loved one, they rely on many channels during their research phases. At the top are search engines, local consumer events (such as talks given at senior centers, churches, etc.), and advertisements. That means you need to be visible in numerous ways, meeting your potential clients where they are.
Different audiences in different geographical locations will seek and find information in unique ways. Understanding the needs and preferences of your target audience is key to creating an effective marketing plan. After all, what works in Chicago may not be the same as what works in Charleston.
At ComForCare, our franchisees have access to a wealth of marketing resources, from digital strategies to physical sales collateral to robust training—and more. Learn more about ComForCare’s industry-leading support in our marketing and branding blog!
Take Social Media Seriously
It can be difficult to know where to begin with social media, especially as trends and platforms come and go lightning-fast. But regular posts can provide incredible value, even when you’re working within an already established and recognized brand. You can share insights that boost your reputation, communicate directly with existing and potential clients, offer solutions to issues your audience typically faces, and much more.
Where to Start with Social Media
It’s best to choose one priority platform to begin with and work your way up from there as you learn and grow. For those just starting out, Facebook may be the safest bet, as it is still the most established and widely used social media platform. That’s especially true for age ranges most likely to be researching home care options.
What Do I Post?
Knowing what to say on social media is typically the most daunting aspect of running a business page. We recommend following the 80/20 rule of social posting: only 20% of your posts should be promotional (directly promoting your business/services), while the other 80% should be informative. You can share articles, blogs, statistics, news updates, and more that will be relevant to your clients who are navigating the landscape of senior care.
When you franchise with ComForCare, our HQ account populates weekly posts on your Facebook feed. That means during busy times, you’ll never have to worry about your page going stale. Of course, personalized posts always receive strong engagement, so using a mix of HQ posts and your own local ones is the ideal mix.

Get Involved in Community Events & Volunteering
At the end of the day, your clients need to know that they can trust you to take the best possible care of the people they love. One of the best ways to build that trust is showing up to support the community at large.
You might get involved with your local Chamber of Commerce, or sponsor an event that your audience cares about, such as an Alzheimer’s walk. Whether you’re guest-speaking at the senior center or volunteering at a community charity event, getting involved is a great way to get your name out there. Each event is an opportunity to network, build trust, and make a difference!
Choose a Home Care Franchise that Supports Your Success
Finding new clients for your business can be a challenge, but with the right support on your side, it’s an incredibly rewarding one. At ComForCare, we match each of our new franchisees with an expert business coach. This mentor will be there to help you learn the ropes, provide expert guidance, and assess your local market with you.
To learn more about how ComForCare positions franchisees to succeed, download your free Franchise Information Report today!
ComForCare: Join an Award-Winning Home Care Franchise Today
At ComForCare, we’re proud to help seniors across the country live their best lives possible. As we face a nationally rising tide of senior care needs, more attractive territories are opening up. Seize the opportunity to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true. Speak to a franchise advisor today, or learn more about what ComForCare can do for you!