Posts in the Healthy Living category
Older Adults and Substance Use Disorders: It’s Real
Although not as severe or prevalent as among younger people, substance use disorders by older adults (65+) is happening and can create an equally nega... Keep Reading
Food and Medication Interactions: The Dark Side of Healthy Foods
Eating healthy and clean has become a large part of our pop culture since the organic movement decades ago. Articles are published every day about wha... Keep Reading
Sleep Can Help You Be a Better Caregiver
Being a caregiver has many demands – both physically and emotionally. In addition to the responsibilities of caregiving, you may deal with work dead... Keep Reading
Why Sleep Is So Important to Mental Health
Sleep and mental health have a strong connection that can turn into a perplexing and complex relationship when sleep deprivation and mental health pro... Keep Reading
Taking Charge of Your Health: Mind and Body Connected
Exercise is repeatedly featured in our favorite magazines, blogs and television shows. As an adult, being physically active is one of the best things ... Keep Reading
Area Agencies on Aging — The In-Home Support Option You Might Not Have Heard Of
When most of us think of AAA, we think of car insurance and roadside assistance, but another AAA that you may not be aware of is your local Area Agenc... Keep Reading
Hoarding Is Hazardous for Your Older Loved One - Part 2
In a previous post, we discussed the clinical definition and dangers of hoarding disorder (HD). If you are unsure if your loved one has HD, the Intern... Keep Reading
Surprising Information About Dementia and Memory Loss
The term "memory loss" is commonly used as a shorthand for dementia, especially in regard to Alzheimer's disease where memory loss is a prominent feat... Keep Reading
Hoarding Is Hazardous for Your Older Loved One - Part 1
While my grandma lived at her home, my mother and I would make it a point to stop by at least twice a week to help with the light cleaning, such as du... Keep Reading
Health Benefits of Gardening for Older Adults
For some, there is nothing more refreshing than sinking their fingers into warm soil or biting into a sun-ripened tomato fresh off the vine. There is ... Keep Reading
Open Your Eyes to AMD and Low Vision
February is not only the month of hearts, but the month of eyes, as well — National Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Low Vision Awareness Month.... Keep Reading
Get Heart Smart This February
Chances are someone in your life has been, or will be, affected by heart disease. It’s the number one cause of death in the U.S., taking more than 6... Keep Reading
Gratitude Makes Life Better: Easy Ways to Incorporate More Thankfulness in Your Day
A mindset of gratitude brings benefits throughout the year. Gratitude is the ability to notice, interpret and appreciate the positives aspects of life... Keep Reading
Keep a Good Habit
New Year’s Day is over, but New Year’s resolutions are just getting started. According to Statista, 93 percent of Millennials and 91 percent of Ge... Keep Reading
12 Tips on What to Do Before, During and After Doctor Appointments
There are momentous occasions in a person’s life: getting a driver’s license, having a child, graduating school, or, often overlooked, becoming th... Keep Reading
Need Help Coordinating Health Care? Turn to a Case Manager
Case managers play a critical role in the health care system, but many do not know they exist. Case managers help individuals and their families under... Keep Reading
Physical Function, Food and Falls
You’ve likely heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital takes that concept further by supporting th... Keep Reading
Reducing Hospital Readmissions: How Home Care Can Help Improve Outcomes
Did you know nearly one in five Medicare beneficiaries – approximately 2.6 million seniors – who are discharged from the hospital are readmitted w... Keep Reading

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