Celebrating Home Care and Hospice Month: How Home Care Can Help
November is Home Care and Hospice Month. Millions of nurses, home care aides and key staff members provide care in the homes of older adults, those... Keep Reading
How to Get Your Parent to Accept Help at Home
By Bill Woods, ComForCare of Washtenaw/Downriver
When it comes time for your parent to get more assistance at home with cleaning,... Keep Reading
6 Questions to Ask a Home Care Agency
Simplify your search for a home care agency by asking the right questions to ensure quality care, personalized plans, and peace of mind for your... Keep Reading
Home-based Care Providers Are an Essential Part of Navigating the Nation Back from Pandemic
Janice Pollard writes in Medium.com, "Caregivers showcase compassion every day just by the nature of the job they are in, but their dedication and wil... Keep Reading
How Our Home Care Offices Are Supporting Clients in the COVID-19 Outbreak
ComForCare is following updates and procedures from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) State Department of Health, local and county authorities, th... Keep Reading
5 Ways You Didn’t Know In-Home Care Can Help
Most people want to age in place. According to AARP, 3 out of 4 Americans age 50 or older say they prefer to remain in their current residence for as ... Keep Reading
Things to Consider When Planning a Family Meeting
When an aging loved one’s health, safety or well-being becomes a concern, family members often need to come together to figure out short- and long-t... Keep Reading
Noticing Changes in Your Loved Ones After the Holidays
The whirl of the holiday season is behind us, and while you’re left with happy memories, you may be recalling unusual instances and paying more atte... Keep Reading
How to Talk With Your Aging Parents About Their Long-Term Care
Maybe you’ve noticed Mom forgetting to turn off the faucet after washing dishes or Dad having difficulty using stairs. You think it might be time to... Keep Reading
8 Ways to Pay for In-Home Care
As you develop a long-term care plan for yourself or a loved one, several factors must be considered, such as one’s current and future medical needs... Keep Reading
Health Benefits of Gardening for Older Adults
For some, there is nothing more refreshing than sinking their fingers into warm soil or biting into a sun-ripened tomato fresh off the vine. There is ... Keep Reading
Worried About an Older Driver? How to Have “The Talk”
“When did a simple trip to the grocery store become so dangerous? Is that a traffic ticket on the floor? Oh no, she is using two feet to drive, and ... Keep Reading
Pets for Seniors: Animals Can Make Older Adults Happier and Healthier
For older adults who live alone or have lost their spouse, pets can be excellent companions. When my grandfather passed away, my grandmother adopted t... Keep Reading
Dementia and Challenging Behavior
When people think of “dementia,” it is natural to next think “memory loss.” What we may not be prepared for is how other behaviors can change ... Keep Reading
Looking for In-Home Care? 8 Reasons to Choose ComForCare Home Care
Whether it’s due to injury, illness or aging, sometimes older adults need a little extra help, especially at home. However, family members and frien... Keep Reading
Hospice Care Is Health Care
When someone mentions the word “hospice,” people often cringe or change the subject, fearing that hospice care somehow means giving up on life. Ot... Keep Reading
Providing Care for Military Caregivers
In the U.S., millions of injured, ill and disabled veterans depend on friends and family for care. In fact, according to the RAND Corporation, there a... Keep Reading
Hiring an In-Home Caregiver – What Options Are Available?
Most seniors want to age in place. According to AARP, 90 percent of those 65 and over want to stay in their home for as long as possible and 80 percen... Keep Reading
Understanding Brain Function with Dementia Care
People with dementia have many abilities and functions preserved for a long time – even through the end of life. When we take time to understand wha... Keep Reading
Need Help Coordinating Health Care? Turn to a Case Manager
Case managers play a critical role in the health care system, but many do not know they exist. Case managers help individuals and their families under... Keep Reading