How to Prevent Falls in the Elderly
ComForCare Home Care (Canton, MA)

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Hearing about a senior suffering from a fall often conjures thoughts of a frail person, but even seniors you might consider to be strong and steady are at risk of falling. From tripping over a throw rug to slipping on slick floors, the leading cause of serious injury and death in seniors over the age of 65 is falling.

According to the CDC, senior falls cost an annual $50 billion in medical costs. This includes medication, doctor visits, and in-patient rehab facilities. That’s $12 billion paid by private insurance and a collective $38 billion coming from Medicare and Medicaid!

A Fear of Falling

It might come as a surprise that a major cause of senior falls is a fear of falling. This can lead to anxiety in social situations over possible fall risks such as tripping while getting up quickly. Avoiding outings and events creates fewer opportunities for exercise and mobility, which can increase the overall risk of falling.

It may not be falling itself your loved one is worried about. Rather, they may be anxious about what the fall could mean for them. Many seniors have a difficult time accepting that the aging process comes with the likelihood they may not be able to do everything they once did. Because people worry they may lose their independence, they may not ask for help when they need it.

Medical Reasons for Falling

Whether it’s medication or the inevitable physical effects of aging, there are a number of medical reasons a senior might fall.

  • Many seniors take multiple medications to manage their health. Some of these medications may have side effects that affect balance, prompt dizziness or cause unusual bouts of sleepiness that can lead to unsteadiness.
  • Seniors with a decline in eyesight and hearing are less likely to notice fall risks
  • Slower reflexes can prevent some seniors from reacting quickly to small trips that turn into dangerous falls.
  • onfusion from Alzheimer’s and dementia can cause fogginess which may lead to falls.
  • Illnesses such as heart disease, foot problems, and circulatory issues can impact balance.
  • Typical physical changes that come with aging such as muscle weakness and reduced flexibility increase fall risk in seniors.
  • Senior women suffer falls at a disproportionate rate due to factors like osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Personal and Environmental Falling Risks

With the advancements in health and medical care, seniors are living alone in their homes much later in life. While this increases morale and quality of life, it can also increase unforeseen fall risks. Things like cords, rugs, unsafe shoes and oversized clothing can cause falls.

Preventing Senior Falls

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Yes, falls are inevitable as we get older, but you can minimize the number and severity of falls for your elderly parent or family member with a little information and preparation.

Stay Active

Musculature declines as we age, so it’s more important than ever to stay active. Encourage your elderly loved ones to engage in activities they enjoy in a safe and reasonable manner to maintain morale and mobility.

Adding balance exercises such as weight shifts and the heel-to-toe walk to their regular exercise routine will help to improve balance and reduce the likelihood of falls It’s especially vital for seniors to consult a doctor before adding physical activity to their daily routine.

Home Safety Checklist

Your loved ones can maintain their independence while also staying safe with the help of a home safety checklist:

  • Add stabilizers such as grab bars in the bathrooms and handrails on both sides of the stairs.
  • Offer to change lightbulbs and smoke alarm batteries to prevent your loved one from unnecessarily climbing ladders.
  • Ensure there are clear pathways to each room in the house.
  • Secure electrical cords so they stay free of walkways.
  • Remove throw rugs and other slip risks.
  • Make sure the home has adequate lighting.

Talk to the Doctor

It can be difficult to deal with the effects of aging, but accepting them can actually help your loved one stay healthier and more independent for much longer.

Regular checkups are necessary to stay on top of health and gain early awareness about eyesight and hearing issues.

Be honest with the doctor about any:

  • Recent falls
  • Dizziness
  • Unsteadiness
  • Fogginess or confusion
  • Foot problems
  • Unexplained sleepiness
  • Walking issues

Take it Slow

We’ve all experienced dizziness when we stand suddenly from a seat at one time or another. The elderly are more prone to experience this sensation, which increases their risk of falling. Taking it slow will give blood pressure time to adjust, easing the dizziness.

Reducing falls all comes down to preparation. Using these methods, you can help prevent your loved ones from falling and gain peace of mind.

Whether your loved one needs assistance only a few hours a week or around-the-clock, our team is happy to help! Call (781) 821-2800 to learn more about the transition care services offered through ComForCare Home Care (Canton, MA).

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