South Coast & Plymouth Resources
ComForCare Home Care (South Coast & Plymouth, MA)


ComForCare in the News

December 2, 2023

A couple weeks ago we had the chance to attend the Festival of Wreaths and Autumn Glen. It was a great event - companies decorated wreaths and all the wreaths were auctioned off. There was really great food, live music, and a ton of holiday cheer. We made it into the newspaper... read about it here!


ComForNews Newsletter



January 2024

Welcome to 2024!

We here at ComForCare had a great holiday season, and we hope you did too! And now that the new year is here, it's time to look at what's coming down the line.

This year we've decided to put more focus on our independent living communities. We've come up with a Quality Assistance program designed to help people in independent living communities stay in those communities.

Independent Living communities have a unique opportunity. Because there are lots of people aging in place in the same place, one caregiver's attention can be split across several different residents. We call this program an a-la-carte care program. The idea is that different residents can sign up for different opportunities. Sally needs a medication reminder. Linda needs an escort to breakfast. Ryan wants help taking a shower. These are all places where a resident might need or want assistance not provided by the community, and it's help that we can provide.

So if you work at an Independent Living community and think this would be a good fit, reach out and give us a call.

Happy New Year for the ComForCare team!

January 24, 2024

South Coast & Plymouth Resources - South Coast & Plymouth, MA | ComForCare - Brass_Ring

This week we went to a book signing hosted by Autumn Glen. The book is called Brass Ring Memoirs, and it is a book of encouraging stories about how to help caregivers reach for goals in Alzheimer's and dementia care. It was a snowy Tuesday evening, but Autumn Glen did a great job with the event. The cheese spread was wonderful, and the chance to talk to Kelly McCarthy - an expert in dementia care - was invaluable!

Whether your loved one needs assistance only a few hours a week or around-the-clock, our team is happy to help! Call (508) 209-5714 to learn more about the transition care services offered through ComForCare Home Care (South Coast & Plymouth, MA).

Considering In-Home Care? We have your
perfect caregiver.
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Phone: (508) 209-5714