Improving Brain Health with Aging Loved Ones
ComForCare Home Care (Fairfield, NJ)

Improving Brain Health with Aging Loved Ones - Fairfield, NJ | ComForCare - Improving-Brain-Health-with-Aging-Loved-OnesForgetfulness can be challenging, especially for the elderly. An estimation stated close to 6 million Americans would have Alzheimer’s in 2021; with the number of people with Alzheimer’s at 65 only doubling every 5 years.

The National Institute of Aging declared that cognitive decline is not a natural part of aging. In short, a cognitive decline is faced by people having trouble recollecting, making decisions, and more.

It's not just about forgetting to pay the occasional bill. These issues begin when the pattern keeps recurring, or when senior citizens struggle to stay in tune with regular conversations.

The amazing thing about your mind is, like your physique ... It is capable of change. However, the degree and nature of the “change” have more to do with action and less with age.

ome mind-boggling insight is provided by CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in his book, “Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age”. A few snippets of Dr. Gupta's expertise, along with other people’s expertise, are mentioned below.

  • Exercising Your Body:  Your body is vital in keeping your brain healthy.. According to Dr. Gupta, exercise utilizes the sugar to feed your muscles. This prevents fluctuations in insulin and glucose if you sit idle – which increases the risk of dementia. Another factor about exercise is it reduces inflammation. This is essential to avoid dementia. Furthermore, studies have shown 11 minutes of daily exercise can increase your life expectancy.
  • Resting your Body and brain: Proper sleep is an effective restoration system for your body. Deep sleep helps with memory consolidation, which helps lower the chances of dementia.

    A Researcher at the Centre of Advanced Biomedical Imaging at the University College in London, Dr. Ian Harrison, swore the best way to lower chances of his own dementia was by a Goodnight's sleep.

    According to Dr. Harrison the brain has its own cleaning system which is 70% more active when we sleep. It’s called the glymphatic system which removes waste products and any built-up proteins. He further added that any impairments in the system that was because of a lack of sleep, will lead to a build-up of proteins which includes amyloid.

    So whenever you have a headache from a bad night’s sleep – it could be because your glymphatic system hasn’t cleared up its waste products. Read more here.
  • Connecting with People:  The connections an elderly person makes helps the brain in more ways than one. Studies have revealed these relationships increase neuroplasticity. That is the brain’s ability to improve, change and preserve its cognitive abilities. After all human beings are social-creatures, making it important to recognize relationships playing a big role with our brain health.

So, enroll in a book club or join a gym class and other related hobbies. Since this will increase the benefits of brain-boosting by way of cultivating relationships. Sustaining your brain's health for many more years to come with simple communication.

Whether it’s help for your loved ones with exercise, food and more. ComForCare’s DementiaWise approach improves your brain’s health and performance for many years to come. It focuses on the individual while using research-based behavioral interventions for better days. For more information on ComForCare’s in-home care options for your loved one’s click here.



Whether your loved one needs assistance only a few hours a week or around-the-clock, our team is happy to help! Call (973) 244-9400 to learn more about the transition care services offered through ComForCare Home Care (Fairfield, NJ).

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