The Holy Week of Easter
ComForCare Home Care (Reynoldsburg, OH)

Many of us know the meaning of Good Friday and Easter Sunday but did you know that every single day of the week leading up to Easter Sunday is significant in the life of Jesus? It wasn’t until a recent church service that I understood the significance in almost all the days leading up to Jesus’s crucifixion and his resurrection.

Palm Sunday is one week prior to the resurrection. On this day, Jesus entered Jerusalem. It was a triumph hard to understand in today’s times. Between 125,000 and 150,000 people were there to celebrate. These spectators were waving palm branches in a way to greet and honor Jesus.

Holy Monday is the day Christians celebrate Jesus’ cleansing of the churches, when he drove out sinners and overturned the tables of those who sold doves. The Bible also describes Jesus teaching and arguing with religious authorities. 

Shrove Tuesday commemorates the day when priests or Pharisees collaborated with Herod the Great, the Roman appointed King of Judea to condemn Jesus Christ.

Holy Wednesday is sometimes called Spy Wednesday as this is the day one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus over to the religious leaders in exchange for 30 silver coins. Although Judas clearly committed a sin by betraying Jesus, he plays an important role in Easter.

Maundy Thursday is the night Jesus broke bread, passed wine, and shared the Last Supper with his disciples. Once finished with dinner, Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray prior to his arrest and trial.

Good Friday Jesus is found guilty of crimes he never committed and is sentenced to execution on a cross. Back during the time of Jesus’ execution, crucifixion was known as the most horrific way to die and was reserved for the most extreme law breakers.  Jesus is whipped, beaten, stabbed in the side with a spear, and was crucified. 

Holy Saturday is the day many of Jesus’ friends and supporters mourned his death. A tomb was given to Jesus by a man named Joseph. On this day, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary intended to assist in preparing Jesus’ body with spices and oils, but the women ran out of time before it was officially the Sabbath. This meant the anointing of Jesus body would have to wait until Sunday morning.

EASTER SUNDAY!!! This day begins with a group of women finding Jesus’ tomb empty. The stone placed in front of the tomb had been rolled away by an angel. The women are told by angels that Jesus is no longer in the tomb but has risen as he said he would. The women then run to tell Jesus’ disciples what they have found but, as they are traveling, they are met by the risen Lord. The disciples initially think the women aren’t being truthful. Peter and John decide to investigate and find Jesus’ cloths and face cloth in the tomb but do not see Jesus! The day proceeds with Jesus meeting up with many followers and his disciples. The day began with fear but ended with joy. God’s wrath has been poured out on his Son; the price has been paid, and the work of salvation has been finished! Jesus Chris is risen! Now, all sinners can be saved!

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