Meet The Owner
ComForCare Home Care (North & Southwest Pittsburgh)

Meet The Owner, Mike Barron

Meet The Owner - North & Southwest Pittsburgh | ComForCare - nw-mike-barron-owner1Sports Fan, Family Man, Health Enthusiast

“I’m straightforward and honest and bring a level of integrity to everything I do.”

All Roads Lead to Home Care

My journey to home care has been an interesting journey full of twists and turns. With a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance, I spent the early part of my career knee-deep in accounting and numbers before transitioning into sales and marketing at various consumer packaged goods companies, including Heinz and StarKist.

While I’ve always enjoyed my career, I couldn’t help but feel that it lacked purpose and a sense of giving back to my community on a deeper level. That’s where ComForCare comes in. These days, I consider finance, sales and marketing my past and helping others my future.

A Guiding Shift

As my role in corporate America wound down, I was looking for a business and legacy to leave my family one day. After living my life beholden to the bottom line, I wanted a career that gave back and was truly worthwhile. ComForCare quickly rose to the top, and I’m proud to call it home today.

Seeing Is Believing

I watched my wife and her siblings devote their lives to caring for their mother. While that was nearly 20 years ago, the experience sticks with me to this day. It’s what called me to become a home care resource for my community and that is a role I take very seriously.

My wife will be the first to tell you I’m extremely regimented and live life by the book. Those are qualities I’m proud of. I am straightforward and honest, and that you can rely on. I think the world needs more of that kind of reliability these days, and I’m happy to provide it for my community.

Academic Credentials

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Duquesne University
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance from the University of Pittsburgh

Whether your loved one needs assistance only a few hours a week or around-the-clock, our team is happy to help! Call (724) 759-7674 to learn more about the transition care services offered through ComForCare Home Care (North & Southwest Pittsburgh).

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Phone: (724) 759-7674